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Old 11-05-2024, 12:11 AM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao! If you read below, she probably wore that Vikings dress to church today Lol!
Originally Posted by Sciencewoman View Post
Going to church in a pagan worshipper dress may have been counterproductive, lol.

Congrats on the win, CG. I'm out of the corner!
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lol! I got a mental image of CG wearing that dress to church.

See CG? You see how Sciencewoman is congratulating you for the win? You didn’t congratulate her for her win. You wanted Detroit to lose Lol.
No, I did not and would not wear my Viking dress to church. Hilarious! That was a game day and Halloween thing only. Although, it did look cute on me, even though it was a bit long when I wore it, lol.

Yes, Sciencewoman, you are out of the corner, but only temporarily.

Thank you for the congrats. I would congratulate you on your win, too. It’s just that I can’t do that. I mean, the Lions are in competition with my Vikings for the Super Bowl, lol.

Besides, the back and forth trash talking makes this thread fun and very funny.

Originally Posted by Zach View Post
Haha yeah, she’s definitely trippin.

Cowboys need a better defensive line. I think that should be their focus during the next draft picks.

The real Vikings actually converted to Christianity which divided them for a minute. I’ve never been to Minnesota, but I’ve read the original, real Vikings have a lot of descendants there. Cheerfulgreek, are you Norwegian or Scandinavian?

If she’s a descendant of the real Vikings like a lot of Caucasian Minnesotans are, she’d be alright wearing that dress to church Haha.
No, Zach. Your Cowboys need to get rid of Dak. That’s what needs to happen.

No, my ancestry isn’t Norwegian or Scandinavian. I can trace my ancestry on my mom’s side back to the Mediterranean (Greece, to be specific) and on my dad’s side, Italy (Sicily to be specific), and the furthest back to Turkey on my mom’s side. So, here, I’m actually first generation Greek on my mom’s side, and second generation Italian on my dad’s side. But my Turkish ancestry goes way back. My mom has all the details and specifics of my Mediterranean ancestry.

Originally Posted by Sciencewoman View Post
My aunt is from Minnesota. All her life she thought she was 100% Norwegian. Then she did DNA testing and found out she is part Swedish, and she was really upset. Lol, OK.
This is hilarious.
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