Originally Posted by Low D Flat
You are right on all points, yet ADPi successfully recolonized. Of all the groups bullied to death, only Theta was in the post-RFM era. Also, there are so many more students at Ole Miss now from all over the Southeast and even Ohio, Illinois, etc., as opposed to the days when it was more insular. If they can come up with land for houses, I'd be hopeful that new/returning groups would have a shot.
I find the Alabama houses quite overwhelming from the street; they give steroids/Disneyland to me. The redone KD, DDD, DG, and Chi O houses at Ole Miss, by contrast, do a great job of disguising their bulk and giving more of a classic feel. (KKG is a little more Bama-ish to my eye.)
I still remember when NPC called in every chapter on campus to tell everyone "stop bullying and being nasty to one another." Aphi and ADPi have done well and AXO is doing well so far.
Also, and this is somewhat related, more people are going to college in the south overall, as people want the big SEC experience and greek life.