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Old 04-18-2024, 09:08 AM
TLLK TLLK is offline
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Join Date: May 2016
Location: SoCal
Posts: 498
Originally Posted by aephi alum View Post
Oh dear.

So, I was a rho chi my senior year (yup, we were still called rho chis). I was chatting with a fellow PX (different sorority) and she told me this story.

For one of their parties, they set up tables with bowls of goldfish as their centerpieces. One year, whoever was responsible for storing the goldfish before parties started didn't do so properly. So, that morning, before their first party of the day, the sisters set up all these goldfish bowls. About ten minutes before the doors opened, one of the sisters went up to the day chair and said, "Um... fish are dying..." Sure enough, a lot of the fish were belly up! They had to clear the centerpieces quickly and flush the fish down the toilets.
Oh no! The poor fish were dying and they only had minutes to move them!
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