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Old 02-18-2024, 08:03 PM
jolene jolene is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 777
Do you keep in touch with your chapter brothers or sisters?
Mostly via social media, but we do try to get together occasionally. Some of us had a white elephant exchange last December.

Do you belong to an Alumnae Association?
I have been involved with a couple of area alum associations in the past. The one I was very active in died out. Many of us were having babies at the time and it was hard with young children to regularly get together.

Do you hold any offices?
In my former alum assoc (the one that's no longer active) I did the web design.

Do you keep track of your National's policies?
Not as much as I should.

Have you ever considered deactivating due to a change in any of these?
I don't think I'd ever deactivate, I'd just no longer donate or entertain the thought of being involved as an alum. If things got completely nuts, I'd probably recommend young women I know (friends' daughters, etc) going through recruitment to skip Alpha Xi.
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