Originally Posted by FSUZeta
So these groups have found loopholes in which to operate. I may be looking at this simplistically, but it appears to me that PSU not allowing Trilogy to participate in THON, and especially not allowing them to pair with a fraternity, might make Trilogy a little less attractive to join. The admins could also make the consequences greater for groups who socialize with rogue organizations, and despite this age group being risk takers, the groups might decide it’s not worth the risk to fraternize with them.
Many groups other than sororities and fraternities participate in THON (list
here) so it would be very difficult for them to find a way to prevent Trilogy from doing so. Also there are far more fraternities than NPC sororities. One fraternity pairs with GSS, one with Phi Sigma Rho, and one paired with a dance company.
If Penn State Panhel was smart, they'd invite Trilogy to become a member instead of deriding them as a "fake sorority" and the women who join as wannabes who couldn't get bids elsewhere. Instead they just contribute to Trilogy's reputation as "outlaws" and the women who join are the ones attracted by that reputation. Ditto the fraternities that THON pair or socialize with them. As far as the Tim Piazza situation, if a university of this size didn't have any sort of procedure in place to discipline a non-Greek group that they find contributed to a student death - be it Trilogy, the basketball team or the Anime Club- that truly is their own dumb fault and yet another example of the kind of tunnel vision that says "if we crack down on Greeks all the bad things will go away." Mistaking campus culture for Greek culture.