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Old 12-12-2023, 09:35 AM
TLLK TLLK is offline
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Originally Posted by navane View Post
I think I might be missing something here - what was the purpose of forming The Society? That sounds like a dumb question; but, surely all parties involved realize that The Society is NOT Kappa Alpha Theta and will never be Theta. It seems the idea was possibly born out of a feeling disgruntled over the closure of the chapter. But as for the mothers who formed the group......that doesn't make your daughters Thetas.

It's ok to be upset. It's ok to feel angry. It's ok to feel let down. I'm sure the new members were thrilled when they opened their bid cards. I can only imagine the heartbreak they felt to have that opportunity taken away. But who is to blame here? The mothers et al say it's not fair that a few graduating seniors did the hazing and everyone is punished. Uhm....yeah....that's how this works. Haze and everyone pays the price. This wasn't the chapter's first time getting caught hazing. And if their daughters had died of alcohol poisoning, would that have been ok because at least they died pledging Theta?

The logic escapes me.

I have to agree with you and I don't understand why the mothers formed "The Society?" I do feel for their daughters who were impacted by the decisions of the older members, but creating an unrecognized group isn't a safe or smart decision IMHO.
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