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Old 08-30-2023, 04:25 PM
Cheerio Cheerio is offline
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Originally Posted by Cookiez17 View Post
Someone brought this up in the NPC #'s thread, but the bigger chapters might be the ones to survive all of this. Because of the sheer sizes of the chhapters (for example an Ole Miss PC of 200 women.) vs a small university that has a pledge class of 10 women could affect the greek landscape in the future.
I will grant it is estimated more than a few smaller universities will merge/close during the next decade, which will result in the continued loss of (mainly smaller) sorority chapters.

But wouldn't a prudent NPC sorority still want their more viable smaller chapters to thrive? They might best remember there are plenty of alumnae from these small chapters, too. Each type of chapter ought to be allowed. Variety in chapter membership numbers exists because variety in the size and type of campuses allowing Greek Groups exists.

It may be that International Sorority dues, chapter fees and Chapter Exec Board requirements (IE number of chapter officers & responsibilities required from same) could be manipulated into several size categories for seperate use by both large and small chapters.

If housing finances for a smaller chapter became an issue they may be encouraged to (temporarily) change the scope of, or discontinue, their housing.

Which NPC group currently has chapters strictly on campuses with a chapter total of 100 or more, and/or quota of 35 or more? And how would an NPC group even want that to be The Standard for each of their chapters?
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