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Old 09-22-2019, 07:30 PM
Cookiez17 Cookiez17 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: New York
Posts: 1,148
So with that, I tried not to get my hopes up too high until I got a phone call about a week later when I was beginning to feel better with the help of Dayquil and drinking a ton of lemonade.

“Hi this is _____ from Mapo Tofu. We would like to extend you a bid, will you accept?”

I could not believe it. I was in the dining hall trying not to seem super excited and I said yes. She congratulated me and told me the bid day would be the next. So with a sleepless night due to my excitement, I went to bid day, and the sisters greeted me. They handed me my bid to Mapo Tofu, also known as


Through my long journey to find my home in greek life, it had many turns but everyone was right about trusting the process and being open minded. I also learned (and I feel like some PNMs need to hear this.) not everyone can thrive in formal recruitment. Informal Recruitment and COB can be just as rewarding, and allow for a much more intimate, less stressful experience. I also learned that listening to tent talk and following friends/roommates to a house is not always the best idea. Finding your home should be about YOU, and even if whatever house you pick may not be the most popular according to the people on a certain website or the one your best friends ends up at, it’s all on you.
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