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Old 03-26-2002, 05:55 PM
Blueknowledge Blueknowledge is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 52
Legacy, it's time to let the past go. You are right: let's not talk about this on the Web. But you know that even the most organized sets can be ruined by one uncontrollable person.

Seriously, whether the story is 100% correct or not, the fact is, is that the undergrads will eventually lead to the bankrupting of the frat.

It's time to reorganize the frat!


The only way I would keep undergrads around is if every undergrad chapter was ended and became part of a graduate chapter. Then, when it came time for new members, I would ONLY allow the graduate brothers to select the new members/ (the undergrads from that, or any other campus, would NOT have a voice.) That's what has lead to the system we have today.

Brother legacy,

I will be at the Eastern Regional conference and I hope to meet you face to face. I can talk to you about this matter, and as brothers, we can find consensus.

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