Thread: GC Awards!
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Old 10-24-2001, 07:07 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Hotel Oceanview
Posts: 34,511
Wink Most likely to...

Most likely to moderate peace talks: dzrose93

Most likely to be my sister: AlphaSigLana

Most likely to talk me off a window ledge: James

Most likely to make chicken soutp when I'm sick: carnation & justamom

Most likely to eat fries and coleslaw on a sandwich: Killarney Rose

Most likely to pass out in some of the same places I did: AngelPhiSig

Most likely to marry Dave Matthews: prospective rushee and amycat

Most likely to open a strip bar in Tijuana: Lil G and damasa

Most likely to quote Snoop Doggy Dogg in an email; AePhi-QTPie, shadokat, aopirose (I love my email buds!)

Most likely to drink a beer with me- KABillyMac, gphi2k, Tom Earp, exgreek, KSigRC, OTW....oh hell, the whole board!
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