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carnation 12-14-2000 02:17 PM

Least Favorite Christmas Carol
Does anyone here have a least favorite carol? I have been caught in traffic once too often listening to "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and I have decided I hate it! The bits about "jingle-bell-ing" and "mistletoe-ing" make me nuts and so does the part where (I guess to make it rhyme), they sing "Your friends are telling you to 'be of good cheer'" (What would you do to a friend who told you that?) Then to cap it off, there's the line "there'll be scary ghost stories"! (HUHH?) Who tells those at Christmas?

SHSUChiO 12-14-2000 05:00 PM

Ugh...Call me Scrooge, but I hate Christmas music. The traditional church-style music is bearable though. I worked in a mall over the holidays a couple of years ago, and just haven't been the same since.

USFSDTAlum 12-14-2000 07:22 PM

I'm a transfer from Maryland, so all Christmas music drives me crazy because its 85 degrees today (i know--boo hoo ) and i'm just like whats going on? Wheres the cold? snow? ice?
But one song in particular I remember from when I was young, was I'll be home for Christmas, because my Dad hated it. While he was stationed in Vietnam (over Christmas) he said they played it like every 5 minutes, or so it felt to him. So he never let it be played when I was younger!

Babiegyrl 12-14-2000 08:45 PM

Where's your Christmas Spirit, it shouldn't matter what the weather is like, its a time of giving, sharing and being with Family. There should be no room for Bah Humbuging.

MIDWESTDIVA 12-14-2000 09:09 PM

I feel your pain SHSUChiO!

I worked at a department store, then a credit union. It took me three years to be able to enjoy Christmas songs again.

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." ~Harry S. Truman~

USFSDTAlum 12-14-2000 09:43 PM

My family is still in Maryland. Trust me, when I get off that plane next weekend, Christmastime is going to slap me right in the face

Corbin Dallas 12-15-2000 11:50 AM

Speaking of warm Christmas's, has anyone seen that commercial where the guy orders biodegradable packing peanuts, dumps them all over his rock lawn, with cactus's and all, and then buys a shovel and boots online, and shovel's his sidewalk off? I think it's hilarious!

Steve Corbin
Lambda Chi Alpha
Theta Kappa Chapter
Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech.

AXO Alum 12-15-2000 02:41 PM

Mall employee for 1 Christmas Season which was 1 too long! Talk about being sick of the same music over and over!! The only thing worse was like 8 years ago with those freaking dancing flowers - they were sound activated and would dance until the music stopped....urrgghhhhhh!!! And now the Billy Bass sensation! I actually stepped in front of a little girl at the Cracker Barrel who kept setting that thing off. I could only take so much!

Oh yeah - back to the topic - I too do not like the Little Drummer Boy. I don't know why, but it drives me up the wall.

equeen 12-15-2000 04:54 PM


Originally posted by Corbin Dallas:
Speaking of warm Christmas's, has anyone seen that commercial...

~*LOL*~ my mother and I were ROTFLOHO when we saw that one!


Alpha Sigma Kappa - Women in Technical Studies

lifesaver 12-16-2000 01:52 AM

I am with ya'll. Here in South Texas it is always warm for the holidays. Last year, It was 78 and sunny on Christmas Day. Absolutely disgusting. Nothin' says holidays like shorts and christmas lights in palm trees. Yick!

Ad for the least fav. tune, Little Drummer Boy, or ANYTHING by Bing Crosby. did that guy ever have a musical hit OUTSIDE of the holiday season? Plus, when he hits that first note in White Christmas, he sounds like he just got punched in the gut.

carnation 12-11-2001 08:10 PM

I feel like the Grinch bringing this to the top again but my favorite radio station does Christmas music 24/7 from Thanksgiving on and they won't stop playing, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"! Jinglebelling and mistletoeing twice as much as they did when I started this thread last year!

AlphaChiGirl 12-11-2001 09:03 PM

Okay, when I worked at this jewelry store over Christmas, the manager loved Elvis. It was ridiculous. So, we had to listen to "An Elvis Christmas" over and over and over again. Specifically "Blue Christmas"...just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

justamom 12-11-2001 09:46 PM

I HATE THOSE FRICKIN' 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!- It reminds me of 96 bottles of beer on the damn wall!

I just got In Sync's Christmas CD and IT SUCKS BIG TIME..what a waste of money. Here I thought there would be some great harmony.....

Miami1839 12-11-2001 09:50 PM

grandma got run over by a reindeer.

Unregistered- 12-11-2001 09:54 PM

My least favorite also happens to be my most favorite...

You all know that Chipmunks' Christmas Song? The one that starts off "Christmas....Christmas time is here...time for joy and time for cheer.."

Yeah...I cringe everytime I hear it, but then I usually find myself singing along to it.

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