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Puryear 03-12-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by rickdubose (Post 1906179)
Rick DuBose
Grand Pi Khapter
Fall 1988
Krimson Armageddon
Mothership!!! Home of the Vipers!!!!!!

Nupe, I run into you from Target to the internet!

AK5Klub2009 03-14-2010 12:24 PM

Koley Horton
Kid Kudi
Alpha Kappa Chapter (NCCU)
Fall 09
7 Disciples of Benediction
5 Klub

Whas good nupes?

PrettyBoy 03-22-2010 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by rickdubose (Post 1906179)
Rick DuBose
Grand Pi Khapter
Fall 1988
Krimson Armageddon
Mothership!!! Home of the Vipers!!!!!!

:eek: An old head. I'm not alone..:D

ETA: finally, a Nupe made before me on here.

rklayton3 03-25-2010 05:17 PM

Whats good NUPES!! YO! YO!

Ra Clayton
Delta Nu-"The Mutha Fukin Death Khapter"-Pride of the Northern Province
Winter 08
The K.O.L.L.E.K.T.I.O.N.
Tre Klub

kappa2nupe 03-26-2010 05:34 PM

Greeting Brothers

Rodney L Fitzgerald
Chester Alumni Chapter
Spring 99
3 Klub
Odyssey 7

IKE_DA_KAPPA 03-30-2010 08:14 AM

New to the Bond

Originally Posted by NUPE4LIFE (Post 1060177)
This thread is for all new bruhs to the board to introduce yourself. Please include your chapter name and year of initiation.

Brothers I am the newest of new in the EP. I am a member of the Fort Washington (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. I crossed the burning sands 26 March 2010 @ 7:23 PM and 27 seconds. Glad to be a member of the greatest fraternity on Earth, and i am ready to work.

Spring 2010
6 Honore'

G-Kue 1911 03-30-2010 10:19 AM

Kongrats Nupe we had 6 boys made this weekend also....PM me I'm in the DC area. Yo


Originally Posted by IKE_DA_KAPPA (Post 1912122)
Brothers I am the newest of new in the EP. I am a member of the Fort Washington (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. I crossed the burning sands 26 March 2010 @ 7:23 PM and 27 seconds. Glad to be a member of the greatest fraternity on Earth, and i am ready to work.

Spring 2010
6 Honore'

Mr. Hollywood 03-30-2010 10:01 PM

What up bruhs ?
Cory G.
Spring '02
Theta Lambda Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

PrettyBoy 03-31-2010 07:43 PM

the only thing I hate about GC is I can't tell the backs from the Nupes.

G-Kue 1911 04-01-2010 02:43 PM

I'm with you's becoming to easy to perp!


Originally Posted by PrettyBoy (Post 1912945)
the only thing I hate about GC is I can't tell the backs from the Nupes.

PrettyBoy 04-01-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by G-Kue 1911 (Post 1913201)
I'm with you's becoming to easy to perp!

Yup, I know. I just call them backs, Nupe, because it covers both perps and backs. If they're "really" members of Kappa, then they're backs for only making one post and then leaving, not even chatting with the Nupes for a minute. At DZ we refer to brothers like that as pie backs. I'm not saying that they have to stay, but at least chat with the brothers for a minute. And if they're not in the Bond, then yeah, they're perps, but since we have no way of knowing on here, I'll just put them in the pie back category.

I wouldn't even sweat it, Nupe. They're not worth your time.

G-Kue 1911 04-02-2010 01:42 PM

Not sweating it Nupe..."If I hadn't pledged Kappa I'd be frustrated too"!


Originally Posted by PrettyBoy (Post 1913360)
Yup, I know. I just call them backs, Nupe, because it covers both perps and backs. If they're "really" members of Kappa, then they're backs for only making one post and then leaving, not even chatting with the Nupes for a minute. At DZ we refer to brothers like that as pie backs. I'm not saying that they have to stay, but at least chat with the brothers for a minute. And if they're not in the Bond, then yeah, they're perps, but since we have no way of knowing on here, I'll just put them in the pie back category.

I wouldn't even sweat it, Nupe. They're not worth your time.

NinjaPoodle 04-03-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by G-Kue 1911 (Post 1913201)
I'm with you's becoming to easy to perp!

Quietly slips in..Thank goodness for facebook..quietly slips right back out..:cool:

PrettyBoy 04-04-2010 10:30 PM

Damn, when I saw NP's name over here before I clicked on this thread, I did one of these numbers-->:eek:

I thought some drama unfolded.

G-Kue 1911 04-04-2010 11:14 PM

Nah...NP's...never drama...and always!
QUOTE=PrettyBoy;1913975]Damn, when I saw NP's name over here before I clicked on this thread, I did one of these numbers-->:eek:

I thought some drama unfolded.

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