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FSUZeta 09-05-2022 08:15 PM

This year especially, there seemed to be an over abundance of PNMs who all expected to join the top groups. When they were not asked back by those groups, many of them dropped out of recruitment, confident that they would receive a snap bid from their #1 choice. When that didn’t work out, they were equally confident they would receive a COB from their top choice. You can imagine how often that worked out. Now the mothers are lamenting how sad their daughters are, sitting in their rooms feeling depressed, too good to accept a COB invitation to a “didn’t connect with” sorority.

Titchou 09-05-2022 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by carnation (Post 2491500)
I saw so many overconfident girls rush this year. None got the groups they wanted and several dropped out of recruitment. Sometimes, as an adult familiar with various school and their Greek systems, you see it coming and there's nothing you can do because they truly believe that their high school popularity, grades, and activities will get them in.

For real..

FSUZeta 09-05-2022 09:51 PM

I heard from so many moms who (all) said, but she had a 4.5, was in numerous clubs, won a letter in her sport/cheerleading, had many hours of volunteer work blah, blah, blah. And we said to them, “ yes, and so do the other 1700 PNMs”.

ZTA72 09-06-2022 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by FSUZeta (Post 2491525)
This year especially, there seemed to be an over abundance of PNMs who all expected to join the top groups. When they were not asked back by those groups, many of them dropped out of recruitment, confident that they would receive a snap bid from their #1 choice. When that didn’t work out, they were equally confident they would receive a COB from their top choice. You can imagine how often that worked out. Now the mothers are lamenting how sad their daughters are, sitting in their rooms feeling depressed, too good to accept a COB invitation to a “didn’t connect with” sorority.

So Sad. While I was fortunate to receive a bid to my first choice, I would have accepted a snap or COB to almost any other group because I liked them all.

I was in a high school sorority and really enjoying the feeling of belonging...and I am an only child.

Cheerio 09-06-2022 04:18 PM

If you're an "all that" pnm, please join with the other "all that" young women bid by the "lower tier" chapter and MAKE THAT CHAPTER "ALL THAT".

Then maybe by the time you graduate you'll feel like an accomplished sorority winner instead of a crying whiner.

carnation 09-06-2022 04:57 PM

I've always wondered how many of the disappointed PNMs at the big Southern schools stayed independent.

AGDee 09-06-2022 09:10 PM

On the other hand, if you really only care about being in the "top tier", then it's better to drop and not go anywhere than to go somewhere you think is "lesser" and be a thorn in their side forever more. Sounds like they ended up where they should be!

Cookiez17 09-06-2022 10:04 PM

The worst is when these PNMs come into a house they see as lesser and will blab out "Oh I don't care about you guys I'm only here for DEF." yet maybe their Rho Gamma is in said lesser house and could get kicked from recruitment for acting rude to any chapter.

I did also notice girls dropping after bid day, which is somewhat weird, as it takes a while to build bonds and find your people within a house, especially in these massive chapters with over a hundred girls in it.

honeychile 09-07-2022 12:34 AM

IDK if this plays into it, but I've seen women who are trying to reinvent themselves as freshmen. Someone with excellent grades, activities, etc, but maybe didn't date a lot, or whatever suddenly has a complete makeover before the start of her freshman year, and is looking to fit in with women who socially waltzed their way through high school - that type of person.

carnation 09-07-2022 06:23 AM

Yes! I have seen that, honeychile! A lot of times they try too hard and this stands out majorly at recruitment.

Remiechi 09-08-2022 10:31 AM

I know of 3 PNMs this year at SEC schools who dropped after receiving their pref invites. I suspect they all have very unrealistic expectations of COB. I did tell one of them that any COB bid would likely come from a group she ranked low during recruitment. Those "dream chapters" don't have to snap and any COB would be under the radar.

Cheerio 09-08-2022 11:14 AM

The message that NPC groups are each social AND SERVICE organizations apparently hasn't been properly promoted by initiated members of NPC groups.


Current pnms don't appreciate that NPC groups are social AND SERVICE organizations.

PNMs apparently are choosing to drop from rush if they cannot become members of the 'it' social chapters.

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