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Old 05-01-2002, 06:40 PM
GreekLetterGirl GreekLetterGirl is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 552
Ok I have been on both sides, my freshman year I was at a college in a different state than my "hometown honey " and it was the worst year of my life. Huge phone bills, teary good byes, never having him close when I needed, just like James said "Life can be lonely when the person you love is never around for a heart felt hug, and I dare say that phone and email are a poor substitute for that closeness. "We made it throught that year, but than broke up in the summer because we where so used to being apart we didn't know how to be together. But that was just mine, we where both young, it was our first year of college and we thought we could do it. This year I had a boyfriend "the torried ex that I post about so much " on campus, and it was awesome, I swore I would never do another long distance relationship. When my bf left campus for 8 months we broke up, though it was hard we both knew that it would be for the best, because having one person out having fun and living it up while the other one was not around with them would be hard. And honestly we didn't want to put the effort it takes to make it work. Granted we still keep in touch and more often than not it does feel like we are together, we know that we aren't. Who knows what will happen when he gets back in the fall?! But right now we are single, in fact he is going to a junior prom Yup a 22 y/o at a JR Prom ? eek: eek: Long distance relationships can work!!!One of my sister has done it succesffully. It takes a lot of time, and effort and TRUST!!! Polish up your letter writing skills and make sure you have a kick ass phone plan ( i know att wireless offs 400 peak and unlimited off peak and long distance) If you think the guy is worth it , why not take it for a whilr, they are hard but they can be done!! Best of luck to you and keep us posted !!!

PS sorry so long !!!
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