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Old 07-31-2001, 04:10 PM
Liv4ChiO Liv4ChiO is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: IL
Posts: 51

Originally posted by wishinhopin:
Ok girls, a couple questions I need some help with! One, the rush at my school is also super informal. I rushed second semester in my frosh year and didn't get into the only house that really mattered to me, and I was crushed. Is it totally lame to rush again? I know that this house is the right place for me, but I think I just didn't get enough time to display that. One of the girls I talked to told me that not enough of the sisters felt like they had gotten to know me well enough. The thing is, there's no formal process where the girls come around and meet you. You're just sorta expected to go through at each event and introduce yourself to everyone and make them know you. And I don't even know what a Rho Chi is, so I don't think I have one that I can go to for help! I'm totally freakin about this entire process. Any suggestions or thoughts?
Okay, first of all, are you sure? If you definitely want to join this house, then it's time for some major campaigning. I'm going to assume you're not in the South, from the tone of your post, so if you are, this might not be all that relevant.

First, no it's not lame to rush again. If you want to be in that house, then go for it. Especially if the reason they cut you is that they didn't know you well enough. This means that
a)they don't have a reason (at least they're not saying) to DISlike you
b)they were probably interested in getting to know you

Now, things to do to prepare. When is your rush? If it's in the fall, then some of these ideas might not work.

First, get to know the girls outside of the house. Find out where they hang out, which frat they mix with, what their philanthropy is, etc. Then participate in these things. Yes, this is shallow and a little dirty, but sometimes that's what it takes. Meet them (don't make it obvious your thinking of rushing again), and try to befriend a couple. If you can, somehow mention your concern about rush, meeting people during parties, etc. They will probably offer to take you around. If not, at least you have a couple people who you know already at the house. Meet their frat. Get them to drop hints "oh i just met rhonda rushee and she likes your house, and she's cool etc etc". Get involved w/ their philanthropy. This gives you an opportunity to meet them outside of rush.


talk to a certain number of girls a night. The more people you make a good impression on, the more people you'll have pulling for you during selection.
Talk a few of the same girls every night. If they're saying they don't know you well enough, make sure they do. Try and remember what you talked about already, and move on. Remeber their names, and talk about the other girls in the house "well, i was just talking to jenny about this yesterday and..."
Sit somewhere accessible. This sounds weird, but if you're stuck in the corner of the room, fewer people will come and talk to you. Walk around if your not talking to anyone and sit with a large group.

And relax. They'll realize that you're rushing a second time, and that your interested in them.

good luck!

Oh, and a Rho Chi (PX) is a rush counsellor, someone who leads you through formal rush etc. If yours is informal, they might not have them.

Travelling with no boundaries, moving in imaginary.
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