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Old 06-19-2001, 01:25 PM
imsohappythatiama imsohappythatiama is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 537


(1) I would like to see KKG HQ and alumnae associations everywhere (beginning with the PDAs--Province Directors of Alumnae) make a much more concerted effort to bring our recently graduated KKG alumnae into the alumae associations.
As a KKG who went right from being an active to being an active alumnae and advisor, I can tell you that it has been a WONDERFUL, AMAZING experience, and I am so glad that I didn't let Kappa fall by the wayside for 10 years or so.
I think more recent grads would join their local alumnae associations and advisory boards if they were made to feel more welcome, and recruited--not just left to find the alumnae associations on their own.
I would like to see KKG include a new ceremony in its ritual--a ceremony that would mark the movement of an active collegian into alumnae status. I think this would be a great way to celebrate the transition, get the new grad involved (if she wants to be involved) after college, and show the other active collegians what they have to look forward to.

(2) I'd like to see KKG HQ stop focusing so much on what office you held while an active. They often make such a big deal about someone being their chapter's President or VPS, and they never seem to take the time to appreciate the women who filled what my chapter called the "VP of Clean-Up" positions--you know--there is always that girl or couple of girls who are always there to do the jobs no one else wants--clean out the ritual closet, take down the balloons and banners after rush parties, take the pizza boxes out to the recycler after sister nights--and those girls rarely get recognized. I guess that's just life, but quite often those girls are just as important to the health of the chapter as the President is...I'd just like to see that recognized now and then.

Those are just 2 things I'd like to see happen... I'll probably think of more.... in the meantime, anything else you all would like to see implemented or changed? Any brand new ideas you'd like to see KKG try out?

Oh, Kappa Kappa Kappa Gamma,
I'm so happy that I am a
Kappa Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Nobody knows . . . how
happy I am!
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