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Old 06-20-2001, 12:37 AM
kappagirl00 kappagirl00 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 51

Originally posted by imsohappythatiama:
Hey kappagirl00:

I hear you on the "dry mixing" rule... I know that my chapter (Delta) has had a really hard time with this rule...

FYI, ALL NPC sororites will eventually be going to the "dry mixing" rule. It is hoped that (eventually) fraternities in IFC will follow the NPC's lead and go to dry housing. (This was a roundabout way of getting the men to go dry, too--take the women away, and they will buckle, many NPC reps felt.)

KKG, along with three other sororities (I can't recall which right now) adopted this "dry mixing policy"--becoming ground breakers in this area. The last time I checked, at least 7 other sororities have pledged to go to the dry mixing policy by September 2002. I think all of the other NPC chapters will fall in line after that. Their insurance carriers will simply refuse to cover them if they don't, I think.

FYI: During 1997, Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Theta and Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) Fraternities declared that their chapter facilities will be substance-free by the year 2000. FarmHouse Fraternity has always been substance-free. In January of 1998, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity announced they will join the other four fraternities with the goal of having all chapter living facilities alcohol-free by July 1, 2000.

Here is the official notice:
"The National Panhellenic Conference passed a resolution last fall urging support of the NPC member groups and encouraging our chapters to do the same by scheduling non-alcoholic events with these specific fraternities. Other men's groups will be taking a similar stand on this important issue. Alcohol, in many instances, has proven
to be detrimental to the entire Greek system. It is vital that these men's fraternities receive our support!"

I hope this clears things up a little!!! I know that this policy changes a lot of the Greek system as many of us know it, but I do think that it's in the best interest of KKG's and the Greek system's future. It's just going to take a little time and a lot of getting used to.

Maybe it'll take a little stress off of the poor Social/Risk Management Chairs across the country--geez, the stress those girls go through!!!


It's the "eventually" part that gets to me. Why couldn't we have all done this at once? It's not fair to the chapters that have gone first, because they obviously will not be getting mixers, which means they will suffer from dropping rush numbers. And I don't know about the schools you go to, but here not making quota is signing your own death wish. Because no one wants to join "the group that didn't make quota" last year, and so groups go into this downward spiral and eventually end up leaving campus or recolonizing. Luckily, we have never had a problem making quota -- yet. Basically, the same 3 or 4 sororities are getting all the mixers here, and the others will surely suffer as a result. It's bad for everyone -- the chapters that are putting themselves at risk insurance-wise, the chapters that are being nailed during rush because of not getting mixers, and the campus as a whole for having such an unbalanced greek community. Would it have really been THAT hard for the NPC as a whole to pass this? The rule seems like a no-brainer, after all.

[This message has been edited by kappagirl00 (edited June 19, 2001).]
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