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Old 04-01-2002, 08:31 PM
madmax madmax is offline
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Originally posted by James
Delta alum

I was reading the press releases .. . does this seem like a strong enough reason to shut down a chapter?

Basically it says that a group of pledges were found with an executive officer in a garage in the prescence of a large amount of alcohol. Given today's climate I am going to assume if they were intoxicated it would have mentioned it in the article.

So the chapter was suspended because they intended to have a party later where the pledges were invited and alcohol would be around.

I am not questioning the decisions of the National Officers, that is highly discouraged, but I was wondering if this seemed apropriate to you.

Rationalizations aside.

It also looks more like the National was acting in response to the fact the University is obviously cracking down on visible drinking.

On the Insurance/liability thread , you were the person that endorsed a zero tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking and violations of the law. You wanted to expell members that drink underage and break the law. Now you are second guessing a national that has done just that.
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