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Old 08-01-2007, 05:48 PM
ZetaXiDelta ZetaXiDelta is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 101
Well, we're not recognized by our college *yet*...we will be going through that process in Sept. once the student gov't office and Parliament open back up.

What I've been doing (so far) is posting threads in my school's forum on MySpace. I've also made a Zeta Xi Delta profile on Facebook where I can keep track of interested girls (we have 7 interested girls on our FB profile so far!). They can also use this to ask questions, post concerns, and get to know one another before September. The only thing about the FB profile is that because I did not use a school registered e-mail address (we won't have one until we're recognized) I am not able to join groups that are in my college's network because all but 3 are specifically for those people on that network. However, the 3 I have joined (luckily they're global!) are for incoming Freshman! So, at the moment, I am only able to reach out to incoming Freshman. We also have a sorority website, which I make sure to advertise whenever I post anything about the sorority.

Once school begins, they have what is called "Activities Day" during the 2nd week of classes. This is where all of the college recognized organizations can set up a table and meet with people who are interested in their group. What stinks about this is that it is BEFORE we'll be recognized! However, I think that we'll end up setting something up in the dining center where people will still be able to see us, but we won't have to ask permission to do so . If you have Microsoft Publisher, you can make pamphlets to hand out....I'm going to make some up and hand them out to girls who stop by to see us at our table. I'm also going to try to get to campus before classes begin so I can hang flyers on bulletin boards in each of the buildings.

We haven't really discussed our rush events yet because we haven't had time to meet up. When we get things figured out (most likely in the next few weeks) I'll let you know what we came up with!
Zeta Xi Delta
~Founding Sister~
est. 2007

*A sister in Zeta Xi is for eternity*
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