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Old 12-09-2003, 11:19 PM
darling1 darling1 is offline
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Re: Bad Santa

Originally posted by Ideal08
First off, to Sorors ST & 2D, thank you!

Now, Bad Santa. Y'all (ACoA), if you haven't seen it, DON'T!!! Now, like I said in the movie thread, it was funny. There were parts that were funny as hell! BUT, there were parts that brought tears to my eyes. I had NO IDEA that Billy Bob Thornton played an alcoholic. I knew he was crass, but I didn't know that he was a drunk. And there are parts in that movie that are SO reminiscent (sp?) of my childhood that it was scary. There were parts of the movie where people were SCREAMING with laughter and I was totally silent cuz I didn't see them as funny. Example... he pees on himself TWICE in the movie. People were ROLLING. That was hardly funny to me. Either I take my life too seriously (which is seriously possible), or the other people in the theater had never witnessed someone pee their pants because they are in a drunken stupor. And I probably took it so seriously BECAUSE I had just posted this thread and started talkin' about this stuff. I'll tell you one thing, if I had gone to see it on Saturday like I'd planned, I would have NEVER posted this thread, and I probably would have left the theater crying. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.

Me and one of my friends always debate about whether to take movies at entertainment value or not. We spend lots of time analyzing films (and other media) and the messages that are sent. This time I'm on her side of the argument. The movie had a supposedly happy ending, but as far as I was concerned it was not happy at all. While funny and entertaining, the movie was SICK. And normally, I LOVE "sick humor," but not this time. I guess it was just not the right time to see the film. The entire time I sat through the film I thought, isn't this ironic? And I'm still thinking of some of the stuff that happened in the movie and some of the stuff that happened to me. Sad.

I think it's odd how I can be so conflicted over this movie, but I am. Weird.

its not weird!! as much as i like horror movies and psychological thrillers i can't bring myself somedays to watch them because it brings back memories for me. in the 2nd lord of the rings movie when gollum was having an internal struggle, folks in the audience laughed. i was in tears because it was too personal for me.

thank GOD for my husband because he automatically knew what to do.

ideal, i think perhaps for a while you maybe sensitive about most things related to alcoholism. just take the moments as they come. you will be fine. you are resilient, strong and courageous!!