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Old 07-14-2003, 01:57 AM
Glitter650 Glitter650 is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Feb 2002
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I'm going to have to fall back on the old cliche "keep an open mind" we tell it all the time to PNMs.. but I think sisters need to hear it too.
don't make any snap judgments... even if on first impression there is a girl that you think is "IF-y" at first keep talking and getting to know her, you can find sisters in women who at the beginning of the week you weren't too impressed with !!
Also I think we should all try to remember that we have to share about ourselves as well... I mean this may seem obvious but what I meanis sometimes we get wrapped up in finding out about the PNM and letting them know aobut the chapter as a whole ... that we don't let them know about US individually as much as we should, you know what WE like to do with our spare we have any pets at home... whatever... just make sure they get a sense of YOU and don't just see you as a "sister of XYZ"
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