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Old 11-06-2002, 06:36 PM
DoggyStyle82 DoggyStyle82 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 902
Personal responsibilty and personal involvement. Why are we so passive? Why do we have to be told to register, when to vote, where to vote, who to vote for? Why was I out in the rain with my Frat brothers trying to get sorry ass Negroes to care about THEIR future? We spoon feed these people. Harassing them at malls, in church, in the projects, and they still don't care about THEIR lives. We need to stop babying our people. Do you know politicians don't visit white churches, there are no white frats out getting out the vote, there is no white NAACP GOTV campaign, there is no white Tom Joyner registering voters by the thousands and imploring their people to vote. Why do BLGOs have to babysit the whole damn Black community? Why do we BLGO's have to be criticized when our good efforts go un-noticed or unappreciated. We can do what we do. Every thing else is PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.

Where I live, every rich, middle class, and redneck poor white trash made it their business to vote yesterday. They had a record turn-out in the poorest white voting districts. Know why? Because they were pissed that the governor removed the confederate flag from the state flag. My state hasn't had a Repulican governor for 130 years.. The balance of power in the Senate was changed because the incumbent Democrat lost to a nobody Republican. Now Bush can get all his retro-1950's judges appointed and control of all 3 branches of government. If your own personal self interest can't get you to vote, what the heck can I do to get you to care? The Last Poets got it wrong, "niggas" aren't scared of revolution, they are scared of education and personal responsibility and we need to stop footing that bill.

If I sound bitter, its because I am.
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