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Old 10-12-2019, 07:44 AM
TriDeltaSallie TriDeltaSallie is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Beautiful West Michigan
Posts: 777
But where does the destroy everyone for something they said, come from? People have listed the symptoms of it, but not the cause.

We have people losing their jobs and livelihoods over stupid things they did or said ten, twenty, and thirty years ago.

A guy raises a million dollars for a worthy charity and he's destroyed because of a tweet he put out when he was a young teenager? Is that really the kind of country we want to live in where we hold every person's thought and word from the time they are a tween over them for the rest of their life?

I don't care which side of the political spectrum you are on. If you did something stupid or that would now be considered horrific by the social justice police, I don't think you should lose your job or be destroyed by the Twitter mob and the people who live and die with them.

This destroy at all costs mentality did not exist in our culture until the past six or seven years. Where is it coming from? It's not coming from both sides.

I don't want my organization or the NPC to be racists or even seen as racist. I also don't want them destroying young women in college because they said something stupid. But we have been trained to be terrified of a small, vocal minority in this country to the point that we're making stupid decisions as organizations.

Which goes back to my original point. We wonder why kids and young adults are so physically and mentally ill when this is the world they are living in? How can they not be? It's not healthy.
"Let us found a society that shall be kind alike to all and think more of a girl's inner self and character than of her personal appearance." Sarah Ida Shaw

My recruitment story: My sorority membership changed my life.
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