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Old 10-27-2010, 01:07 AM
33girl 33girl is offline
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Originally Posted by Drolefille View Post
Possible that the OP attempted to get her local to affiliate/be absorgbed while President and in failing decided to quit so she could affiliate solo?
From her post (which she could be spinning of course), it seems to me like she already had made the decision to quit before the colony materialized. YMMV.

Originally Posted by carnation View Post
This campus is still seeing members quit the local to go national. During recruitment, you see clueless freshman buy into that, "You should pledge us! We're inexpensive and we've been here forever!" Then on down the line, they look around and see they're getting exactly what they've paid for and they pledge one of the NPCs.
Yes, but it is usually the exec board or people who have represented the sorority in Panhel/Greek council who are the ones quitting?

Originally Posted by Alumiyum View Post
In your opinion. I don't think any of our national officers are "dumb" if they find that she would be an asset and take her. She might very well be an amazing potential member. IMO the main reservation here would be that she took the office of President and then quit because she thought she "didn't fit in". That sounds like a wishy-washy reason. She might have a far better one that she doesn't want to detail on the internet (which is wise, if that's the case). If I were picking colony members, "I didn't fit in" wouldn't be a good enough reason to quit, and I would therefore question her potential dedication. But who knows...there might be more to the story, and personally I can think of more valid reasons for quitting that might make a difference.
No. They would be dumb. Period. See AOEforme's post. Regardless of whether she quit the local because of the colony coming or independently of it, the fact is that she is well known on campus as a former president and representative of her local group. That immediately throws shade on the new NPC chapter, the same as it would if they took a girl who was known on campus for her anti-Greek tirades in the school paper or for running a meth lab in her dorm room. It doesn't matter how dedicated they would be...campus perception is the issue. A colony screws that up and they're always going to have to deal with it.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil
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