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Old 01-19-2009, 08:23 PM
libramunoz libramunoz is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Teague, TX
Posts: 470
I know this might sound crazy, but get to know these people: The college president, the VP's of the college, the director of housing, the director of maintenance, the maintenance guys/gals, the student activities director, and the dean of men/women, and most importantly, the financial aid director (if you have need of one).
I say this because I got to know all of the people at my school. Of course, my college was a very small college located in Alabama, but it really helped me in the end.
When I was needing monies to get back to school, I wrote the a letter to the president of the college. Of course, he had a policy that if you ever needed him, to contact him. Well I was at home in TX, and they raised the school tuition, and I was a junior. All of my stuff was in AL and I needed to help. My Mom had just gotten back to work (after 2 years and with 2 kids in college) and I didn't know what to do. I wrote him, he called me at home, we talked and I ended up with a scholarship for my senior year that paid for me to go back home.
The VP's, I got to know all of them and one even ended up becoming my independent study teacher. They got to know me and helped me in many ways.
The director of housing, well, we are still friends to this day! After I crossed, she got me the second Elephant and I was pleased as punch! Anyways, getting to know her helped me in being able to get the "best" rooms that were available on campus. And it also helped me in getting away from a "rogue" for lack of a better word roomate my freshman year (that girl---ooo wee, I could tell the stories of THAT chick!)
The director of maintenance and maintenance guys/women--anything that you need, they will be able to help you. Room too hot/cold, toilet overflowing, trash--ect. They will be able to help you. Always be kind to them and speak to them.
Activities Director/Dean of Men/Women--pretty self-explainatory. They help you in different ways and they are usually good/cool people to know.
The Financial Aid director--man oh man these folks help you in many ways. If you are on financial aid, they try to work with you and they try to help you in being able to stay in school.
Be willing to help your friends/roomies/folks you don't know a variety of school based activities. I remember for all 4 years that I was there, I helped in building the set for the college queen's coronation. It was a fun experience.
Build your own business. If you have a skill at sewing, drawing, sketching, doing hair/makeup/nails, ect, let folks know of your talents and let them know your prices. I had a business on campus called "Everything Is Cheap Here." I charged for the price of materials and time--never more than 5 percent of what I put into getting the materials. If they brought their own, I charged less. It wasn't a whole lotta money, but it was enough to keep me in top ramen and soup and pepsi for the whole 4 years.
Keep a calling card. I know this is the day of cell phones, however, a calling card is always handy, esp. when you haven't got the money/time on your cell phone and you wanna call home.
I know snail mail is slow, but every now and then, write--yes--WRITE a letter home to your parents, your brothers/sisters, and your GRANDPARENTS and your baby cousins! They will actually be thrilled to hear from you!
Keep $20 in your purse/backpack/wallet for cab fare!
If you go out with a male/female, and you are getting uncomfortable--get away ASAP! And yes, males can be raped by females or males too!
Always keep a flashlight on you! If you're going to the lib or wherever, and it's poorly lit, make sure that you can get where light is and call campus police/a friend and let them know that you are the one waving the flashlight so that they can see you.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do drugs in your dorm--9 times outta 10, you are going to be kicked out of the institution.
If you have a roommate that steals your stuff--invest in a good lock and keep the key! (I know, I had a roommate that did this)
Attend and join a local church. I say this because they will become your family while you are there and your family isn't. Mine was 768 miles away and my church became my family away from my family.
Just my few cents worth.
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