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Old 02-12-2002, 01:49 PM
IowaHawkeye IowaHawkeye is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
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I know how you feel! When I rushed the DZ colony here i was nervous and didn't know what to expect - what happened was they had informational sessions, i think 3, and you were given facts about the sorority and the greek system, reasons to join, and so on. Then they had open rush parties. Sisters from the Iowa State DZ chapter came down and rushed us - everyone signed up for an interview session after that. The interview was probably both the most nervous part and what sealed it for me. I interviewed with a regional advisor - i thought she would be so intimidating - but she was the sweetest, kindest, most ouitgoing and friendly woman. she talked about DZ in a way that made me want to be a sister - and i obviously made a good impression b/c i was a founding sister, haha!
what i think they're looking for:
leaders. - youre new to campus and they need people who are going to step into that role of recruiting and staying positive through it all.
friendly/outgoing girls - those who are willing to talk up their sorority in a big group of pnms - but also those that others will be comfortable with
people who live up to the ideals of the sisterhood - maintain their grades, get involved in campus outside of the chapter. definitly people who are excited about sisterhood and know what it means - its a lifelong committment and i trust my sisters with everything.

umm, i might think of more - lol, so i'll get back to you!

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