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Old 06-04-2007, 04:09 PM
Faith4Keep Faith4Keep is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 123
At my school, in addition to the 4 councils (IFC, NPC, NPHC, and DGC), we have the University Greek Council, which oversees all 4. It is another organization that has positions held by anyone who is greek. They coordinate events that get us to do things together.

NPHC and DGC are often left out of (or choose to ignore/not participate in) Greek Week. But usually, the same week as Greek Week they hold their Greek Extravaganza (Greek Extrav) which is a huge step show. Those running Greek Week made attendance at the Extrav worth points toward the Greek Week trophy, so there were tons of IFC and NPCers there! I think the other organizations really appreciated it. Also, greek council organized a "Greek Stroll" which included one person from EVERY greek organization on our campus (there's 44). They all learned a easy step routine and 'strolled' to the stage.

(On a side note, Greek extrav was quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen. I applaud those of you who step and spend hours perfecting your routines! People came from ALL OVER the state to watch the show. The only bad thing was that they made all the greeks go in one entrance and visitors another, so once in the arena all the NPC and IFC people were on one side and all of the visitors there for an amazing step show were on the other side.... it was pretty bad).

Also, during greek week, each organization had to submit 2 nominees for greek court, no matter what council they were in. Once court was announced, I believe there was one person at least from every council. That was an improvement from previous years as well.

I think it's all about getting the councils excited about participating in the other councils events and traditions. A little give and take, you know?
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