Thread: Medical School
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Old 12-03-2006, 04:43 PM
ThetaPrincess24 ThetaPrincess24 is offline
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Originally Posted by KillarneyRose View Post
Aww, don't say that! Nursing isn't a piece of cake by any means; at least the RN end of it. Not sure how much training the bedpan changers need.

My sister-the-doctah-whom-our-mother-likes-the-best (yep, that's actually how she's known in our family!) says that lots of doctors are really condescending and rude to the nurses so she goes out of her way to be nice to them. She says nurses can help make a doc's job much easier or much harder.
Yes nurses can! Doctors need nurses. If not there wouldnt be nurses.Being rude and mean to the nurses doesnt do anyone any good and the patient is the one that usually suffers. So nurses out there, stand up for yourselves and dont take crap from doctors! It's not worth it (and i've found those doctors usually end up respecting you more when you make it known you arnet going to put up with that nonsense).So future doctors out there, please be kind to your nurses and the nursing students!

Quite a few nurses actually these days change bedpans BTW and they do teach that along with all of the other PCT/CNA duties in nursing school (or they do in mine in the pre-nursing courses). Having said that--having worked as a sorta nurse this summer as an intern, being in nursing school, and currently working as a PCT/CNA I firmly believe that all nurses should have to be a tech/CNA first or atleast see what it's like to have to do all their work plus their own tech work (which will happen sometimes anyway due to staffing issues and low patient census on the floor). Like the doctors needing nurses, nurses need the tech's or there wouldnt be any. Nurses should also be kind to their tech's. They too have a hard job and usually have juggle more patients than they do at a time. I'll step off my soapbox now!

Oh and for those that dont know a PCT is a Patient Care Tech.,the apparent new politically correct term for a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).
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