Wolfman |
04-01-2012 07:35 PM |
Bro. John Maher,7thD 2nd Vice District Rep.
At the 75th Seventh District Meeting, held in Jackson, MS from March 29- April 1, 2012, Bro. John Maher, the Basileus (President) of Sigma Delta Delta Chapter (Florida Atlantic University-FAU) was elected 2nd Vice District Representative. In this office he will lead/spearhead the undergraduate chapters/undergraduate affairs function of the Seventh District, comprised of the states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi during the 2012-2013 period.
To my knowledge he is the first caucasian Brother of Omega Psi Phi to hold this office in the Fraternity. He has a distinguished record of service on the FAU campus. Besides serving at the Basileus of his chapter, he is a member of the Elite Owls, the ambassador/leadership development program at FAU; has served as an Orientation Leader and DJ for the campus radio; is a founder of the Fraternal Values Society at FAU;President of the Too Much Improv group on campus; is a House Representative of the FAU SGA; and has contributed many hours of community service at the FAU community. Congratulations to this stellar young Que!
Bro. Maher "setting out a hop" on the campus of Howard University during the Centennial Celebration in July, 2011: