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12dn94dst 03-04-2003 12:30 PM

Soror Dorothy I. Height's Memoirs
passing this along...

Dr. Height's memoirs are coming soon to your local bookseller! She chronicles her experiences with Bethune, as head of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, moving NCNW forward, what it was like to be a Black woman leader through the decades and so much more. You can read about the book at her publisher's website

The book will be out in early June. Please spread the word that the book is coming. Let's create some "buzz" and be sure that Dr. Height's story gets the attention it deserves.

sphinxpoet 03-04-2003 02:25 PM

"What's Wrong With Black Women"
Here is a review I got on-line!

"What's Wrong With Black Women"
> Reviewed by Mike Ramey
> Years ago, as the story goes, there were two men in one U.S. city
who each had their sweethearts break up with them. One man committed suicide.
One set his heartbreak to music, and was paid a royalty of $225,000. After
reading the book “What’s Wrong With Black Women?” by Monte Maddox (2002,
1stBooks Publishing, 287 pages), one would think that HE was the one who set
his heartbreak to music, and walked away with the cash.
> No, the book is not ‘pristine sweet’. It has some profanity in
it, which may turn off some readers. However, Maddox’s passion--a hilarious,
rousing, and realistic examination of Black Male/Female relationships from the
classroom to the pew, will keep you turning the pages.
> While Maddox states early that the book is a work of fiction, he
clearly takes a stand for the Good Black men that are far too often rendered
‘invisible’ by the sistahhood. Brothers who don’t have a lot in their
pockets, the best ride, or the latest fashions on their backs. Brothers who GO
to school for an education, GO to work to make a honest living, and stay OUT of
prison, the dope house, and the streets.
> In short, Maddox has his keyboard aimed to tell the story of the
good brothers that black women can’t seem to find, but are always looking for
on talk shows and in the mainstream press.
> Yes, it is GOING to be controversial. “What’s Wrong With Black
Women? is NOT for the man (or woman) unwilling to face the truth about why
the brothers who are NORMAL often have the hardest time in not only meeting and
dating quality Black women, but why the REAL shortage in society is OF QUALITY
BLACK WOMEN. It is also NOT complimentary on the subjects of religion, church,
the Bible or domestic violence.
> Best quote of the book can be found starting on the bottom of Page
77: “If there is one thing that you take away from this book, remember this
theme that we have returned to time, and time again: The bad black men of this
world have been put upon a pedestal by far too many black women...Good black
men have no hope or support as long as black women favor the lowest level of
the black male species…Sistahs! You ought to be ashamed!”
> You are NOT going to breeze through this book in one afternoon.
Maddox does successfully counter a lot of the myths about the ‘lack’ of
Good Black men available for dating, romance, and marriage that female authors
have been churning out for a number of years.
> Consider “What’s Wrong With Black Women?” a reference book
above everything else. Single men will refer to it, again and again. Married
men may pass it on to their single friends. It’s available on line, or can
be obtained through

CrimsonTide4 03-08-2003 09:29 AM

Loving Donovan by Berneice McFadden is an excellent book. For those that are fans of her writing -- lyrical prose, interwoven characters, story taking place over many years -- will love this one. I started it yesterday and devoured it.

Soror LadyGreek, I never went back to Mirrored Life. :o I will pick it back up this week, I guess.

CrimsonTide4 03-13-2003 03:40 PM

A Little Piece of Sky By Soror Nicole Bailey-Williams

EXCELLENT BOOK. I read it today at the hair salon and it was so good. Think House on Mango Street in terms of writing style -- vignettes.

From Library Journal
Like a gifted quilter, Bailey-Williams has stitched together the pieces of a woman's life to form a seamless portrait of survival and healing. As a child, Song Byrd is burdened with poverty and abuse: her alcoholic single mother locks her in the bathroom, her sister steals to buy drugs, and one brother is always in jail, while the other is a wanderer. When Song's mother is murdered, her life takes a sudden and unexpected turn, and she must confront feelings of guilt as she grows up. Bailey-Williams, a high school English teacher, has written a debut that reads like an urban diary, filled with hardships but also acts of love and kindness, told matter-of-factly and without melodrama. Her refusal to make Song a victim is refreshing, and her ability to convey so much feeling in so few words makes this novel almost a prose poem. Highly recommended, particularly for young adults.

Kudos Soror Nicole

CrimsonTide4 03-27-2003 08:23 AM

News from E. Lynn Harris
Dear Friends:

I just wanted to drop a line to let you all know about a special event
coming in May.

On May 7 at 8:00 pm, I will be appearing at Symphony Space in New York
City introducing the theatre's literary series Selected Shorts: A
Celebration of the Short Story.

Marita Golden and I will host an evening of stories from Gumbo: An
Anthology of African American Writing. Actors Curtis McClarin (The
Exonerated), Lillias White (Crowns) and Laurine Towler will read
by Ravi Howard, David Haynes and Jewell Parker Rhodes. Selected Shorts
features great short stories read by Broadway and Hollywood's finest
actors, and is recorded for later broadcast on NPR.

I hope my friends in New York can join in this special evening. More
information on this program is available at and

For those fans who can't join us, you can tune in by finding the your
local listing of Selected Shorts at

Finally, I just want to let you know that I am currently completing my
memoir WHAT BECOMES OF THE BROKENHEARTED which will be released in July
2003. As always, I thank you for the support.

Warm regards and blessings...e. lynn harris

delph998 03-27-2003 01:57 PM


Originally posted by CrimsonTide4
[b] OH yeah I 4got,
Casting the First Stone sequel in 2004
You are kidding me! I can't wait for the sequel! That book was EXCELLENT!

delph998 03-27-2003 01:59 PM

Re: News from E. Lynn Harris

Originally posted by CrimsonTide4
Dear Friends:

I just wanted to drop a line to let you all know about a special event
coming in May.

On May 7 at 8:00 pm, I will be appearing at Symphony Space in New York
City introducing the theatre's literary series Selected Shorts: A
Celebration of the Short Story.

Marita Golden and I will host an evening of stories from Gumbo: An
Anthology of African American Writing. Actors Curtis McClarin (The
Exonerated), Lillias White (Crowns) and Laurine Towler will read
by Ravi Howard, David Haynes and Jewell Parker Rhodes. Selected Shorts
features great short stories read by Broadway and Hollywood's finest
actors, and is recorded for later broadcast on NPR.

I hope my friends in New York can join in this special evening. More
information on this program is available at and

For those fans who can't join us, you can tune in by finding the your
local listing of Selected Shorts at

Finally, I just want to let you know that I am currently completing my
memoir WHAT BECOMES OF THE BROKENHEARTED which will be released in July
2003. As always, I thank you for the support.

Warm regards and blessings...e. lynn harris

I love him so much!

CrimsonTide4 03-29-2003 05:38 PM

Someone To Catch My Drift by Jacqueline Powell

A GCer had recommended this book in the last BOOK thread.
Let's Talk Books #1

Well I just finished reading it. IMO, it was another Disappearing Acts by Terry McMillan but add cheating and drugs.

I liked it but I was not ENTHUSED. I kept reading only to discover the end result. There were a lot more family dynamics to this book than Disappearing Acts, but I swear I wanted to SMACK ROBERT, KAREN, and NIKAI at one point or other.

For me it did not seem like the book progressed in a matter of years. The author did not convey that very well.

Gina1201 04-22-2003 09:01 AM

The Other Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey
Eric Jerome Dickey will be releasing a new book next month. Here is a synopsis from Black Expressions :

Question is, just whos The Other Woman in the latest sure-to-be bestseller by one of your favorite authors? This one will keep you up until youre done

Life in L.A. runs in only three speedsfast, faster and missed it!for a sister known as Freckles, a hotshot L.A. news producer. Although her career leaves little time for her husband, Charlesshe works six, sometimes seven days a weekshe makes no apologies in her quest to move up the ladder. But her fast-lane life will come to a full halt when shes faced with the news that Charles has been having an affair.

It starts when mysterious David Lawrence starts calling and showing up on the job looking for her. At first, he piques her curiosity; but before its over, shell regret the day they ever crossed paths.

David tells her by phone that their spouses have been having an affair. Stunned, Freckles agrees to meet him to get the full story. Shes immediately drawn to Davids hypnotizing good looks. Hes a brother whos ready for revenge at any cost, and shes more than happy to oblige.

Youll be caught up as this riveting story heads for an explosive ending that could send someone to an early grave.

I hope this is better than his last book!

Senusret I 04-22-2003 11:34 AM

I'm looking forward to this one:
There is a new book coming out that is edited by Camille Cosby and Renee Poussaint (who was a journalist) called A Wealth of Wisdom: Legendary African American Elders Speak It is basically a collection of essays by black elders such as John Hope Franklin, Maya Angelou, Dorothy Height, Gordon Parks, and the ever-popular rubydeeossiedavis (you can't get one without the other :p )

This book comes out in Fall '03, and if I can afford it, I'm going to get it.

CrimsonTide4 04-22-2003 12:20 PM

Thanks GINA
EJD's tour dates and cities:

boooooooooo that he does not come to CHARLOTTE!!! :mad:

CrimsonTide4 04-26-2003 11:49 AM

Reading God's Gift To Women
Good plot so far but I need for someone to teach Michael Baisden and his editors how to EDIT. I am getting tired of authors having 99 errors. This man put "a odd" "sombodies"


I don't profess to be perfect with my grammar but the COMMON stuff will be on point. Those infractions listed above are COMMON. Oh and he wrote BREATHE instead of BREATH!! WTH

Lawd lawd lawd. . . Olivia is a trip but no worse than Baisden's grammar and editing skills. :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:

aRHOgantdeuce22 04-27-2003 05:37 PM

Re: Thanks GINA

Originally posted by CrimsonTide4
EJD's tour dates and cities:

boooooooooo that he does not come to CHARLOTTE!!! :mad:

Yaaaaaaaaaay that he's coming home though!!!:D :D
Now see, if he wasn't coming to Memphis, I woulda had to cut him!!:eek:

ladygreek 04-27-2003 05:46 PM

Re: News from E. Lynn Harris

Originally posted by CrimsonTide4
Dear Friends:

Finally, I just want to let you know that I am currently completing my
memoir WHAT BECOMES OF THE BROKENHEARTED which will be released in July
2003. As always, I thank you for the support.

Warm regards and blessings...e. lynn harris

So why am I just now reading this. :o His memoir, oh lawd, it will be a must-have. Maybe we will find out who Basil really is :D :D :D

CrimsonTide4 05-12-2003 11:02 AM

The Harris Men by RM Johnson: Good book. I read it this weekend on my way to Cleveland. I am now reading The Harris Family, 1/2way through.

Getting Buck Wild: Sex Chronicles 2 by Zane: :o :o :o Hotter than the first. My mom had it from the library and I read it at her house. Lawd have mercy. Got me blushing like a whore in church. :eek:

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