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CASIGKAP 07-15-2004 06:22 PM

General Fun Times & Complaints
I opened this thread as a forum to tell others about the great things going on in our lives or to gripe about everyday stuff in life. It does NOT have to be sorority related. Just everyday stories, grievances & crap. I'll start.

It's 90 degrees & the humidity in California is miserable. My curly hair is beginning to look like a used Q-tip. :mad:

My car broke down & I don't have the $$$ to fix it.:(

My boyfriends mom told me that wherever he moves to, she'll pack & move to be close to him FOREVER!!!:eek:

I went to see The Notebook w/my sister. Mady me cry. Such a sad movie.

Dove Gal 07-16-2004 09:40 AM

Ok I guess that I will say what's been going on with me.

I still have not found a job yet, and it sucks.:(

We had wind damage to our trees outside of my home. Normally were I park my car under the tree (for shade) the tree split it two. Lucky enough for me I wasn't home when the tree split. If I was I wouldn't have a car.

My car door got off track due the wind damage and I took it to get fixed yesterday and they did if free of charge. :D

I can't stand my sister's (biological) boyfriend. He gets on my nerves.

One good thing for today is that today is my dad's birthday. :D

Another good thing that is going to happen today is that my friend is coming home today. I haven't seen him in a month. :D

Other than that I have been doing well.

BaylorBean 07-16-2004 04:20 PM

I have been sick for a week now and am just not getting better!!! :mad:

I have an abstract due by the end of the day that I have no data to put in :(

My big sis just got engaged! :D

I get to go to dallas to visit my grad-little in two weeks! :D

winneythepooh7 07-16-2004 04:58 PM

I too am also having car trouble. My brakes are being repaired as I type which is gonna cost like $350:mad:

Also there is a problem in the airbag of my car which is preventing the horn from working. The dealership should be able to fix this free of charge but I couldn't get an appt until 7/27 which means I have to drive a car in NYC with no horn!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!:mad:

At least it is Friday and I am planning to see one of my sisters tonight and my boyfriend. Also thinking of hitting the beach this weekend!!!!! :D :D :D

SigK_Bama 07-17-2004 10:58 PM


Originally posted by Dove Gal

I still have not found a job yet, and it sucks.:(

I'm in the same boat, hon. Job hunting sucks a fatty. I've been looking for two months and I'm about to start applying to *gulp * secretary positions. Hold me. :(

SigkapAlumWSU 07-18-2004 12:09 AM

I thought today was a great day; Spent the day down on the Snake River with some sisters and friends, generally causing a ruckus and having a good time. All was good until I got home and looked in the mirror a few hours later: oh yeah, I'm a bit of a lobster. How quickly a good thing can hurt!

Funniest thing though, the most burnt part of me is the top of my right hand, the one holding drinks out of the water all day! ;)

Other than that, I know my truck is having problems too, and even working 2 jobs isn't going to cover a tune-up!

My boyfriend got a job, but it's 300+ miles away! He moved on the 4th of July, and I've only seen him once since then. Not seeing each other just sucks.... I need a hug!

CASIGKAP 07-18-2004 01:41 AM

*leans over & puts arms around you*


Originally posted by SigkapAlumWSU
My boyfriend got a job, but it's 300+ miles away! He moved on the 4th of July, and I've only seen him once since then. Not seeing each other just sucks.... I need a hug!

piphimaggie 07-18-2004 01:47 AM

I'm not a Sigma Kappa, but I have something I must get off my chest, mind listening? :)

Today was pretty good, however, can I just say how ANNOYING it is when you're on a bike ride and people are either too stupid to get out of your way even when you announce yourself verbally on the BIKE PATH....or they dont have the courtesy to tell you they're passing you on their bike?!?! I wanna either stop and slap the walkers who walk 3 abreast and think it's ok for me to ride in the mud alongside the path, or scream at the bastard who zoomed past me without saying a word (potentially dangerous). Is there no courtesy!?!? ARGH.:mad:

not to mention people yelling obscene remarks out their car windows when you're desperately trying to sprint your way along the road after having exited the bike path...

CASIGKAP 07-19-2004 08:49 AM

I am to leave to Hawaii in less than 1 hour. I know I am excited and thrilled b/c I've never been there BUT it's buried under tension & nerves. I've never been a good flyer. I don't like planes. I've been on them several times but I've never really liked them. I like the landings b/c we're on the ground. Still, it is Hawaii & I may never get to go there again.

DigitalAngel126 07-19-2004 11:07 AM

Well at least it won't be an uber-long flight for you!! You're already in SoCal!!! Don't forget to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(And don't forget about the brother when you get back ;) )

_Lisa_ 07-19-2004 11:31 AM

General complaint...any advice?

Besides all of the terribly annoying things my co-workers do (like sing music out loud @ the top of their lungs while we are trying to work, scream "cuckoor for cocoa puffs", chew w/ their mouths open, etc.) I have been trying very VERY hard to get used to it. The one thing I have NOT been able to get used to is the sound of the cracking & blowing of bubbles when they chew gum. It really does make me feel like I've gone crazy. It makes me twitch everytime I hear it. So I plug in my headphones & try to listen to music but then they yell @ me when they want to ask a question & I can't hear them. HOW do I politely ask them to stop w/out embarassing them in front of the rest of the group & having them think that I'm a bitch??? Keep in mind I have to work w/ these people & they all get along just not w/ me.

SigK_Bama 07-20-2004 12:00 AM


Originally posted by crzychx
General complaint...any advice?

Besides all of the terribly annoying things my co-workers do (like sing music out loud @ the top of their lungs while we are trying to work, scream "cuckoor for cocoa puffs", chew w/ their mouths open, etc.) I have been trying very VERY hard to get used to it. The one thing I have NOT been able to get used to is the sound of the cracking & blowing of bubbles when they chew gum. It really does make me feel like I've gone crazy. It makes me twitch everytime I hear it. So I plug in my headphones & try to listen to music but then they yell @ me when they want to ask a question & I can't hear them. HOW do I politely ask them to stop w/out embarassing them in front of the rest of the group & having them think that I'm a bitch??? Keep in mind I have to work w/ these people & they all get along just not w/ me.

I'd say that unless every single one of your co-workers acts this way, you have at least one person who thinks the same way you do - that they are a bunch of immature children. In order to get your point across, you just might have to embarass them. Not to the point where they think you're a bitch (I'm sure you're not!! :D ) but just so that they understand that you're sick of taking all of the crap that they deal out. A work environment can be fun but it sounds like these people take it to the extreme. What kind of place do you work at?

Dove Gal 07-21-2004 12:54 PM

I got a job on Monday! I am so excited.

I had an interview yesterday with a local school system and I kicked but in that interview.

I am taking a class this summer, cause I wanted to be doing something while I wasn't working, and we got our tests back today and I got a B.

I had a wonderful day with my friend and it was great. He is so for me.

I think things are looking up at this moment.

Colleenie 07-21-2004 07:31 PM

Dove Gal: Congrats on the new job and all the good stuff. It makes me happy when things are looking up for someone :)

crzychx: I thought my co-workers were the most annoying on the planet until you told us about yours. I don't have any advice for you but I do sympathize :(

CASigkap: Hawaii....I'm jealous.....I wish I was in Hawaii right now.

As for me....I'm moving to California in 41 more days :D

DigitalAngel126 07-22-2004 02:29 AM

Colllliineeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello! :D

I met this guy at the bar last week, Steve...And he was funny, and sweet, and GOR-G-EOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only thing is, someone told me he's 'taken' (I HATE that word - - no less the state of being!)....Oh well, right??? Well I saw him again tonight, with his supposed girl, and.....yea, they didn't exactly act 'together', if ya feel me.. Perhaps next Weds I'll peep him again and make a move??

And no, y'all who were here during the era, he is NOT another Joe. *Phew* ;)

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